Home Remedies and Prevention to Cure Mouth Ulcers


In our last article, we told you about different types of mouth ulcers that can happen to people of any age group. In this article, we want to share with you the different remedies and precautions one can take to avoid or cure mouth ulcers.

List of  home remedies for the treatment of mouth ulcer is long so you can choose any home remedy with easily available ingredients, and do it 3 to 4 times a day to get relief from mouth ulcers.

Medical Treatments for Mouth Ulcer

No treatment- around 80% the mouth ulcers can heal in 1 to 2 weeks without scarring. The treatment is symptomatic and the medications are given to decrease the discomfort and faster healing of ulcers. If your mouth ulcers are due to some disease and is known, then it is recommended to get that treated first.

  1. Maintain adequate oral hygiene and avoid spicy or hot foods
  2. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glassful of warm water. Use warm saline gargle thrice a day for removing the infection and heal faster
  3. Antiseptic mouthwash is indicated in the case of secondary bacterial infection, ulcer due to denture related irritation, immunocompromised  patient. Chlorhexidinehwash of choice for aphthous ulcers.
  4. Apply local anesthetic gel  which contain local anaesthetics as benzocaine or lignocaine eg – mucopain or oragel
    Anabel gel – contains choline salicylate benzalkonium chloride and lignocaine
  5. If mouth sores occurs frequently and there is more than one sore, then it can be due to vitamin B deficiency. Take Vitamin B complex capsule once daily for 15 days
  6. If your mouth ulcer does not respond to over-the-counter or at-home treatments, your doctor may prescribe a topical medication containing a steroid for the inflammation
  7. Taking steroids are reserved for serious conditions and should be taken under medical supervision only

Food to Avoid for Mouth Ulcer

  1. Excess intake of Pitta aggravating foods and spices – such as black pepper, long pepper, ginger, chilli etc.
  2.  Citrus, sour or acidic fruits and vegetables – lemons, pineapples, figs, curd,
  3. excess intake of dry, light, rough food and beverages
  4. Aerated drinks (bottled beverages) regularly.
  5. Habits of betel chewing, smoking, eating chewing gum etc and Alcohol

Food to Consider forAvoid Mouth Ulcer?

  • Give priority for balanced diet and food rich in fiber content. Eat more whole grains, green and leafy vegetables.
  • Have food rich in fiber, calcium, vitamin C and Vitamin B. Manage stress with meditation, take proper sleep

7 Homemade Mouthwash for Mouth Ulcer

  1. Dissolve half teaspoon salt in one cup of lukewarm water to make a salt water mouthwash. Swish this mouthwash for at least 30 seconds before spitting it out.
  2. Soak one tablespoon of crushed licorice root in two cups of water for two to three hours ,strain the liquid and do gargles or you can  simply chew on a root. Anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties of licorice root can treat canker sores and oral ulcers.
  3. Take one cup of fenugreek leaves and boil them in two cups of water.  A mixture of these leaves is used for gargling.
  4. Add Triphala powder to boiled and lukewarm water for gargles
  5. Cow milk gargles are also useful.
  6. Boil one teaspoon of Coriander seeds in a cup of water. Strain it and allow it to cool. Use the liquid as mouthwash. Coriander seeds are antibacterial in nature they can initiate healing of mouth ulcers and infections.
  7. Mix Turmeric with water and use for gargling. Its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can heal ulcer and prevent secondary chances of infection.

Oil pulling for Mouth Ulcers

Oil pulling is rinsing mouth with oil inside for some times. For this take 10 drops of tea tree oil in 100 ml of water. Swish this mouthwash for more than 30 seconds and spit it out. This helps you cure the infection and heals the sore.

11 Herbal Home Ointments or Demulcent Mouth Ulcers

    1. Coconut Milk is highly beneficial in soothing the pain of mouth ulcers. Mix a little honey in one tablespoon of coconut milk. Massage the affected area
    2. Banyan(Ficusreligiosa): A decoction of the bark of the banyan tree decreases the pain caused by mouth ulcers
    3. Aleo vera gel is known for its soothing, anti-inflammatory properties and moisturizing effects on the body. Aloe vera can be applied topically or taken in a juice form to heal mouth sores
    4. Holding a wet bag of black tea against the ulcer seems to help
    5. Apply Cow ghee 1/2 tsp + honey 1 tsp mixture to the ulcers
    6. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda or Sodium bicarbonate with a little water to make a thin paste. Baking soda helps neutralize acid, reduce inflammation and remove germs and bacteria. But may aware cause a burning sensation.
    7. Apply the mixture of turmeric powder and glycerine. To make the mixture, take one pinch of turmeric and one teaspoon of glycerine
    8. Take one teaspoon of honey and mix 1/4 teaspoon turmeric to make a paste. Now rub it on the canker sore. You can apply only honey directly too
    9. Glycerin or vitamin E oil
    10. Consuming raw tomatoes helps you in getting rid of mouth ulcers. Try gargling with tomato juice three to four times every day
    11. Chewing 5 – 6 basil leaves (tulsi leaves) or tender leaves or fruit buds of guava with some water every day will help you to reduce the pain, and accelerate the process of healing of mouth ulcers

Also Read: Can I Avoid Mouth Ulcers?

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