Health Tips for Healthy Mind and Body of Women



The article is all about women health. We celebrate 8 March every year as International Women Day but what about rest of the days in year. A woman is the pillar of any family and she also deserves the best. A working woman gets pissed in between family and her family.

8 March – Why World Celebrates Women’s Day

In today’s cut throat competition and under family’s demands, a woman starts feel isolated and being ignored. She tries to give her 100%, but in return does not get much. The whole Family depends on her for breakfast, lunch, baby care, home care, etc…

And if she is a working mom, the responsibility gets doubled as she works round the clock for her office job and is also expected to give her best at home.

Many women find it nice to work for others and its good also. But they should not compromise with their health as this way they can work in more efficiently and effective manner. A person who looks after himself can only look after others more appropriately.

If you are also a working mom and find it difficult to take care of your health and always juggle between office and home, we are listing down few tips that you can follow for your betterment.

7 Simple Health Tips for Healthy Mind and Body of Women

  1. Deep Breathing Exercises:
    Daily practice of pranayam and yoga is very beneficial for mental peace and physical well being. If do not have much time, just do at least 5 minutes of deep breathing. You can incorporate alternate breathing (Anulom-Vilom) in your routine. For this, just find a place of peace may be your terrace or a balcony but should be clean. Place some plants nearby the area for fresh oxygen. Sit there and concentrate on your breathing and try to feel the sound inside your body is making.Deep breathing helps to remove negative thoughts in mind and cleans it. This also activate aura and makes you more energetic and refresh in less time by taking off the negativity.If you do not get time at home, you can do this anywhere, in office, car or while travelling in a public transport. But it will give more benefits if done in open air and greenery.
  2. Use of Amethyst Balls for mental health:
    Use of  Amethyst balls can also help for mental health. Amethyst balls are semi precious crystal balls, which you can use them or hang in your home. The sound of these balls can relax you and give nice feeling.
  3. Follow Proper Hygiene :
    Bath twice a day and add some oil to bathing water so your body will not get dry and you will smell nice. Keep hair, nails and teeth clean and wear clean and tidy clothes.Wash your hands and foot before going to bed in night.
  4. Check out what you eat:
    Eat fresh food and wholesome food only and always follow healthy food habits by avoiding junk and stale food. Homemade cooked food has more nutrients compared to market food. The food should be prepared in peace and calm atmosphere for more benefits. Start your day with few almonds and a glass of milk. This will boost you for the rest of the day and keep a handful of nuts ready with you whenever feel hungry.

    Never go on starvation phase as this will store more fat in your body and this can be very harmful for your health in a long run.Try to eat a small portion of food at regular intervals as your body does not feel the need of food. This way you will remain energetic and work in a more effective manner.Also stay away from sour food like curd in night, as this can block the body channels thereby affecting digestion. It is always good to learn something new and adopt some habit like reading, blogging, cooking etc.

  5. Exercise Regularly:
    Always do some exercise; yoga or simple walk if heavy exercises are not possible. Make a routine in your daily life. For example try to do at-least 15 minutes of simple walking or running before moving to any heavy exercise. Exercise reduces stubborn fat and ward off stress and gives flexibility to body.You can go for a long walk also if have time. Walking has good impact on bones and body in long run as it prevents arthritis and sugar diseases.
  6. Take plenty of water:
    Our two third part of body is made up of water, which gets used up during our daily routines and exercises. Water hydration and lack of sufficient quantity of water can cause fatigue and weakness. So try to take at least 2-3 litres of water daily, as water improves metabolisms and prevents constipation.Water cleanses skin and prevent and acne or pimples to occur.You can also take warm water also first thing in the morning which will flush all the waste and prevent constipation.If you don’t like the taste of plain warm water, add a little lemon and honey to it. This is useful in the weight loss also as lemon and honey helps in fat reduction.
    Read: Benefits of Drinking Warm Water in the Morning
  7. Good Night Sleep:
    Take a glass of warm milk before sleeping in night; this will help in peaceful sleep. Do not take any worries on to the bed as this can hinder your sleep. Use some aromatherapy oil like Leander at night. You can use the oil below your pillow during night if have troubled sleeping, this will help in sound sleeping.If the night sleep is good then the coming day will also be fresh.You can take oil massage also before bath which will rejuvenate and remove dry skin. Aroma oils can be used for head massage that can prevent dandruff, graying of hair and hair fall.

Tips for Beautiful and Healthy Long Hair


This is true that we women love our family and consider them the our priority but this is also true that we can do justice with them if our health is good. So try to give a little time to your health as this will be good for your family also. You can also ask your family members to share with your household chores so that the burden is not limited to a single family member. This will help you to sleep on time and wake up early. This will manage your time effectively without any rush in last minutes.

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