10 October – Celebrate World Mental Health Day



Celebrate World Mental Health Day-10th October

10th October is observed as World Mental health Day for creating and raising the awareness regarding issues associated with mental health, and disabilities and social stigmas associated with mental disorders.

The World Health Organization defines mental health as a “state of well-being whereby individuals recognize their abilities, are able to cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and make a contribution to their communities.

Mental Health Issues in Children

Mentally healthy teens are optimistic, happy and prepared for life by acquiring life skills, and ready for facing challenges. This is true as a healthy mind creates a healthy body, while an unhealthy mind ruins a healthy body.

Generally, age group of 11 to 19 years is considered to be healthy. But the fact is that their bodies are undergoing rigorous mental and physical changes, making them super-sensitive to the changes in surroundings. Apart from physical changes in body, adolescence and those in early adulthood, kids face mental challenges too, putting an impact on overall mental health.

Youth souls are full of energies which need to be channelized in some positive, constructive and productive way, failing which can lead to mental ailments.

Statistics of World Health Organization on Mental Health issues

  • As per WHO statistics, Half of all mental illness begins by the age of 14. But most these problems get unnoticed and cases go undetected and untreated
  • Mental disorders have increased considerably among adolescents in the past 20-30 years
  • Depression is the third leading cause of diseases among adolescents
  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15 to 29 year old young people

Reasons of Increased Mental Disorders in Kids?

Mental disorders have increased considerably among adolescents in the past 20-30 years.

The rise has been driven by social change, including disruption of family structure, growing youth unemployment, and increasing peer, educational and vocational pressures, changes in lifestyle changes, social circle, physical activity, food pattern, too much indulgence of technology.

Other reasons which may raise an emotional turmoil in a kid can be leaving home, shifting schools, going to universities, employment, money, jobs, interpersonal relationships, social status and adjustments, self-image, familial conflicts, domestic violence, sexual abuses, early marriages and teen pregnancies, emergencies and natural disasters.

Normal Vs Abnormal Mental Behavior of Children

Mood fluctuations, exploration of one’s identity and deviant behaviors comes as a part and parcel of the normal development process of a growing child. It is absolutely normal for young people to feel depressed from time to time and for this mood to last several days. But, normal behaviors can be distinguished from more serious problems by the duration, persistence, and impact of the symptoms.

Change is the rule of nature. Everyone born on this earth needs to acclimatize with time. Here comes the role of mental resiliency, but somehow some people will not be able to cope with changes, the actual conflict between past and present status crops up, bringing along mental instability and agony. A small period of emotional liability, if persists can be converted into lifelong mental health issues characterized by some combination of abnormal thoughts, emotions, behavior and relationships with others.

When to Worry for Mental Health of Children?

  1. If your child remains constantly in a low mood, low energy, cry easily, shows lack of interest in usual activities
  2. Frequent complaints of discomfort or pain such as a headache, stomachache, backache, and sleep problems.
  3. Self-harming behaviors
  4. Excessive aggression
  5. Isolation and loneliness
  6. Deviant behaviors such as theft and robbery
  7. Poor an academic performance  or behavior change
  8. The tendency of use of psychoactive substances, including over the counter medications painkillers, laxatives etc.
  9. Weight loss or failure to gain weight while growing up

What is the theme for World Mental Health Day, 2022?

The theme of World Mental Health day 2022 is “Make Mental Health & Well-Being for All a Global Priority”.

What is the theme for World Mental Health Day, 2021?

The theme of World Mental Health day 2021 was “Mental Health in an Unequal World”.

What is the theme for World Mental Health Day, 2020?

The theme of World Mental Health day 2022 was “Move for mental health: Increased investment in mental health”.

What is the theme for World Mental Health Day, 2019?

The theme of World Mental Health day is kept by World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH)  was “suicide prevention”.

What is the theme for World Mental Health Day, 2018?

The theme for Mental Health day, 2018 was “Young people and mental health in a changing world”. 

Read More:

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