11 October-World Girl Child Day, Theme, Celebrations

girl child day 11 october

girl child day 11 october

International Girl Child Day – 11 October

Every year, 11 October is celebrated as International day of Girl Child. The day tries to raise concerns about the concerns that a girl child faces in the society.

Even though the educational and job opportunities have increased many fold for girls but still there are many discrepancies and orthodox believes which create hurdles for them many times.

In many countries like India, the birth of a girl child is seen as a taboo and especially if she is the first born child in a family. Many families hesitate to spread the news of birth and make any celebrations also. They consider it a curse if a girl is born.

What If I Want My First Child To Be A Girl?

Taking care of household, babies and parents is often a girls responsibility from society point of view. And, a boy is supposed to earn and run his family needs. In many countries like India, still birth of a girl is seen as a taboo and people often hesitate to share the news of birth of a girl to the society. They consider it a bad luck or last birth bad deeds done by them if a girl takes birth in the family.

2022 Theme for International Girl Child Day

Theme for International Girl Child Day 2022: “Our time is now- our rights

When was the First World Girl Child Day?

It was in the year 2012 the first World Girl Child day was observed.

Also Read: Know all about Act for Child Sexual Abuse-POCSO

Importance of International Girl Child day

The Girl child day was initiated with an objective to support a girl child cause for her well-being and grow in society.

The main objective behind celebrating this day is to create awareness about the rights of a girl and the power she posses with these rights. Also the awareness of the various opportunities she can have like everyone else. 

Few of the objectives of celebrating Girl Child  Day

1. Protesting minor girl marriage
2. Avoiding Sexual harassment of girls
3. Providing equal rights like her male counter-part
4. Provision of equal right to education as boys
5. Awareness about safety and services regarding puberty
6. Avoid any kind of violence based on gender-based
7. Support girl child of the nation

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the meaning of Girl Child?
Ans: Female child

Q2: Who started World Girl Child day?
Ans: The Beijing announced first the call out for girls rights. Later, on 19 December 2011 United Nations General Assembly brought in a resolution 66/170 to declare October 11 and celebrate it as the International Day of the Girl Child.

Q3: Is there any Boy day like Girl day?
Ans: Yes, every year May 16th is observed as International Day of the Boy Child.

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