17 Facts about Queen Elizabeth II you are not aware

know about your favorite queen Elizabeth II
Pic credit: howstuffworks

17 Facts of Queen Elizabeth to know

  1. The real title of the queen was “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith”
  2. The queen would sign her letters and any statements with the name “Elizabeth R.” The “R” stands for “regina” which means
    “queen” in Latin
  3. Barbie released a royal doll made in the image of Queen Elizabeth to celebrate her 70 years on the throne.
  4. Queen Elizabeth II liked to have eggs added with Nutmeg and Lemon Zist
  5. Queen Elizabeth II had her private income from the personal investments she had made
  6. The Queen had purchased a $7.9 million, three bedroom apartment neat the United Nations headquarters in New York City.
  7. The building was designed by a British architect the queen once knighted
  8. She had love for Corgis, and reportedly owned more than 30 corgis throughout her lifetime. Some were bought and some gifted to her
  9. She even introduced a new dog breed named “Corgi”. It was a cross hybrid breed between a corgi and a dachshund
  10. Queen Elizabeth made lots of trips worldwide, and reportedly she had made at least 260 official overseas trips post taking the throne
  11. Queen Elizabeth would always pay taxes voluntarily even though the sovereign is not required to pay any income or capital gain taxes
  12. The Queen also sent her message in Moon via Apollo 11 moon which landed in 1969. She wrote, “On behalf of the British people I salute the skill and courage which have brought man to the moon. May this endeavor increase the knowledge and wellbeing of mankind”
  13. Queen Elizabeth would reportedly had a glass of wine before going to bed in the night
  14. Queen Elizabeth would wear a classic pale pink nail polish which was very cheap just $7
  15. She would use her purse to send signals to her staff
  16. She was very good in imitating the Concorde jet landing
  17. She owned the swans and dolphins in the UK’s water

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