If you are shifting to a new location and house, you are certainly searching for ways how to install the network cables in your new residence all over again. If you believe in the saying, “learn from the mistakes of others,” you are an intelligent being. Take a look at the most commonly made mistakes listed below while data cable installation by people and try to learn how to avoid them while doing it yourself.
5 Common Mistakes During Data Cable Installation
1. Make Sure to Use Separate Cables for Voice And Data
When you ask any of your random friends or relatives about the most difficult aspect of home or office shifting, the answer will be installing data cables. In the past, twisted cabling was considered so expensive that people tried buying alternative cabling for both. But, today, the entire cabling system is not expensive that anyone cannot afford it. The latest phone systems need a data-level cabling, so you do not have any choice and have to get a suitable cabling that can support both. If you are thinking about not installing phone systems in the future, then it is a very big mistake that you will make during data cable installation.
2. Compromising with The Quality or Version Of The Cables
When you think of the network connections, they are not temporary and once installed they are used for a really long time. With the advanced technologies, you will make a fool of yourself if you buy the basic and cheap data cables from the market. These are really one-time investments that you need to buy with proper research and checks before data cable installation. Though it is not necessary to opt for high-quality top-level cables, but, it would definitely be a smart option to choose the Ethernet cables that are capable of providing a robust connection for many years.
3. Installing Cables Parallel to Electric Cables
Installing the network cables next to the electric cables can be a disturbing element for the magnetic field of the cables and can also cause major disruptions in your daily life as well. You will also lose any kind of transmission at times or very slow rate of communication between the wires as well. Thus, it is very important to decide on the right cable path rather than just going with the random choices.
4. Chopping Off the Cables Really Short or Keeping It Too Long
You certainly will not want your cable wires to stretch too hard to get out to their destination connectors. The best solution for this is to measure the distance of the connections and take a few inches more than required for convenience. Make sure you do not cut them too short otherwise it becomes difficult for it to connect with other cables.
If you think cutting the cables short is a problem and keeping them long will not cause any problem, then it is a misconception. Every cable comes with their own capability, and if you keep the lengths longer than required, then you can suffer from disruptive connections as well. Make sure to keep the distance of the cables to the appropriate length.
5 Carelessly Keeping the Cables Unchecked for Long
If you do not want to end up scratching your head when the network cabling is done, then you must take the help of a professional. But, if you try to do it yourself then you will certainly end up believing that there have been some faulty cables left that refuse to provide the connection. The best way to avoid any such circumstances is by checking the cables one by one after data cable installation.