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Does your quarantine experience have you searching for new hobbies to help you pass the time? Maybe you are dealing with COVID-19 related stress and need to learn how to better cope with it. Or, you could have bored kids, and you need to find something fun you all can enjoy?
Check out this list below. Provided for you are five hobbies you can start during quarantine, whether you are well or sick. You will be able to handle your unique situation better, and you will be learning hobbies you can enjoy for many years to come.
1. Exercise
Just because COVID-19 has forced you to be quarantined does not mean you stop exercising. In fact, you might need it more than ever. The stress alone caused by the coronavirus pandemic could be getting to you. Exercise more to improve your mental and physical health. You can find online guidance for various exercises.
If you are ill from this pandemic, you can still stretch and meditate to hopefully improve your symptoms. Just make sure your medical provider approves any exercises first. This really should be the case for you whether you are sick or not.
2. Coin-Collecting
You might not have ever thought about it, but coin collecting can be a very fun hobby. For those of you who have kids, this is something they can enjoy with you. There are different kinds of coins your family could collect, too.
Should you decide to give coin collecting a shot, you want the perfect coin collecting setup. You can find exactly what you need online, and you do not have to spend a whole lot of money on your coin collecting supplies. When you collect coins, you hold on to timeless treasures. You also could have an investment worth a lot of money for you one day.
3. Drawing and Painting
Another family-fun activity for you is drawing and painting. But this is an activity you can enjoy on your own, too. No matter your skill level, you should know drawing and painting can be very rewarding. You might even be better than you would think, and you could sell art as a side hustle.
To get started with drawing and painting, you will need the right supplies. You could source your required materials from a local retailer in or near your community. Or, you could browse online for any of the items you might need for your new hobby.
4. Music Lessons
Have you always dreamed of learning to play a musical instrument? Now might be the best time to give this a shot. You can still purchase instruments from local and online businesses. You just have to alter the way you obtain your purchase(s).
As for any children you have in your home, kids of almost any age can join in on the fun. You do not ever know. You might just have yourself your very own little Partridge Family. Look into learning music lessons today. It’s an activity you can enjoy during the COVID-19 quarantine. You also can enjoy this newfound hobby for many more years to come.
5. Writing
The coronavirus pandemic likely has your mind full of all kinds of emotions. You might be confused like never before. You could even be anxious or scared. Writing down your thoughts can help you deal with all the chaos caused by this global health crisis. You could give some creative writing a shot, or you could just journal your thoughts.
If you are a good writer, you could begin blogging. You could share your experience related to COVID-19 and quarantine, or you could offer words of wisdom on other topics. For those of you who could use some extra money in your pockets, you might want to look into writing for additional or primary income. Consider all the different options you have when it comes to writing. Jotting down your feelings and being creative can help you during the quarantine.
Each of the ideas above is a fun activity you can enjoy. No matter which hobby you choose, you will be rewarded now and on into the future. Give one or more of the aforementioned suggestions a shot.