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Importance of Product Review Online
What we say about someone or a how a product leaves a mark in other’s mind decides our review for that. Same way if we review a product, we can help others to think about it before finally buying. Your review can help as a pre-seller for a product.
However, giving review is not an easy task always as it involves a lot of responsibility as someone might use that review to spend his hard earned money.
If go with the surveys, it is found that around 88 percent of consumers world wide trust on online product review while doing shopping. They take this as a personal recommendation of the product itself.
Not all the time it is easier to write a review on an affiliate product as what I believe that it should be honest. In addition, it should be promoted in such a way that the customer can immediately think of buying that.
Not all the time whatever you write can make others to buy, so sometimes being honest also does not work always.
Amazon Rating without Review
You might have seen ratings system against products on Amazon. These ratings allow the shoppers to review a product base on ratings which normally vary from 1 to 5. So, it is possible to rate any product instead of writing review.
5 Tips to write Review on Affiliate Marketing Products
Not to worry at all, and find below the 5 tips to research prior writing an affiliate review article.
1. Consider yourself as a Pre-seller
“You don’t close a sale, you open a relationship if you want to build a long-term, successful enterprise.”
–Patricia Fripp
Amazon is a rock star already and does not need any recognition from you. So if you think you are helping it out to market…just forget about that.
Best thing that you can do to your Amazon is to help in pre-selling. Make others to land on the Amazon website or products and buy them. Your reviews can create awareness and prepare a customer to know about the product beforehand.
Let us say there is a customer who is looking for good quality of android phone, which should be affordable, long batter backup, and good quality cameras and has searched many websites but has not bought so far. On the other hand, when he reaches on your review page and if it confirms him and force him to buy, there is a very strong chance that he would visit the link and buy it.
2. Buy before Reviewing a product
“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”
– Ken Blanchard
If you buy a product and then give its review, chances are that you can give a more genuine review of the product. In this way, you can post your pictures using the product too. This will always create an extra trust factor in the consumers. As a user, I would also prefer those who first try a product and then give the review.
How to write a product review examples?
For example, let us say you have bought a shampoo and want to give a review of it. Therefore, you can take the picture of shampoo before use and post the after use picture with the shampoo. This would help the user to know more about the product
An example of a Good product review
You can get a lot of online product review samples that you can incorporate in your writing styles like below:
3. Not always Required to buy a product to review
This is also true that it is not always possible to buy a product to review about it. For example, it is not possible to buy an iPhone to write a review on it. Therefore, in that case you can take the help of internet.
How to write a review sample without buying a product?
You can search for a product online and find as much possible as for this. You can find the competitor products also for the same. Once you have a list of different items of the same categories, just go and write a comparison of them in your review. Comparison can help the users to know about the similar other products also.
Just understand that the amazon cookies work for 24 hours so if a user were landed to buy a product and ends up buying some other product, still you would be paid.
4. Give your Genuine Ratings
Sometimes, we give best rating to a product even though it does not deserve so. So, please give a genuine rating or star ratings whichever is available on the page. Your rating can have an impact on your article also.
For example, if your article is giving a five star rating to an affiliate product but when user buys the product following your link, and does not find it as per the rating his faith on your review would be shattered. He would think multiple times to go with your review the next time.
The rational way of reviewing a product is to discuss about the pros and cons of the affiliate product. Alternatively, you can compare the similar products also on the same page.
Always remember that your job is to pre-sell the things and not selling them. For selling, Amazon is already there.
5. Outsource someone to write for you
If you are not good in writing, you can think of outsourcing it and get it done by someone else.