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Eyes are a gift of God. Without eyes or the sense of vision, the world would contain no meaning.

Eyes play a significant role in your health. Don’t take your eyes for granted. Once the eyesight issues start occurring, your vision distorts and you then realize how important it is to protect your eyes. Many surgeries are now available that can cure your eye-relevant concerns and give you, your vision back like for instance PRK surgery in Melbourne corrects refractive errors. The surgeries and technologies present now can heal your issues within no time and you can get to your routine quite soon, however, it is recommended to take care of your eyes.
Here are 5 ways to protect your eyesight.
Regular Examination
People do not care to go for a regular eye examination and reach out to the ophthalmologist once it’s too late. Your vision might seem to be healthy to you, but there is no way to be 100 percent sure unless a trained professional observes your eyes. Eye tests do not necessarily predict whether you need glasses or not, they also determine the general condition of your eye. Especially in older age, it is always recommended to see the doctor regularly for an eye examination.
Wear Sunglasses
Sunglasses are not just for style and fashion statements. They are actually to protect your eyes against the harsh rays of the sun. While going out, it is suggested to always wear sunglasses. When purchasing sunglasses, never go for style over safety. Look for shades that block 99 to 100 percent of UVA and UVB radiation, and always buy from a reputable source. The low-quality glass used sometimes in the sunglasses can also become a risk for your eyes.
Be Aware of Screens
Extensive screen time can also be very dangerous for your eyes. Many children nowadays are having eye problems, and the prime factor for the issue is excessive use of mobile screens or tabs and computers and watching TV. Children’s eyes are quite sensitive and too much exposure to screen rays can become a problem for their future life as well. Parents should be aware of how much time their children are spending on screen. Along with children, adults too should not sit for so long in front of screens, they are as prone to eyesight issues as children.
Rest Your Eyes
Your eyes too need rest as much as you do. Use blindfolds while sleeping as they let your eyes feel comfortable in total darkness. Use cucumber slices, potato slices, or wet tea bags and press them gently on your eyes for five to ten minutes. This would help your eyes to ease out. Also, there are gel pads available for eyes that give a break to your eyes.
Eat Well
Nature has made raw ingredients that are healthy for the eyes. Always consume food items that have direct health benefits for your organs. Eye-healthy foods including carrots, dark leafy vegetables, and grapes are researched to be healthy for the eyes and help in curing eyesight as well.