Gita Jayanti-Birthday of Bhagwad Gita | Bhagwad Gita Saar

Bhagwat Gita Day

Bhagwat Gita Day

When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.

– Albert Einstein

The ‘Bhagavad Gita’ is the eternal message of spiritual wisdom from ancient India. The Bhagwad Gita is perhaps the most sacred Hindu script followed by many.

What is the Meaning of ‘Bhagvad’ and ‘Gita’?

The word ‘Gita’ means song and the word ‘Bhagavad’ means God, and so often Bhagavad-Gita is also called as the Song of God.

Gita Jayanti celebrates the divine birth of the immortal text born 5000 years ago, on the first day of the famous 18-day battle of Kurukshetra in the Mahabharata.

Importance of Gita Jayanti

Gita Jayanti is the day to commemorate the birthday of Bhagavad Gita. It’s celebrated on the 11th day of Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon) of Margashirsha month of the Hindu calendar.

It occurs during November or December every year as the date keeps on changing depending upon the movement of the moon. For example, in the year 2018, it fell on 18 December.

Most of the Hindus keep the most revered, sacred scripture of Shrimad Bhagwat Gita at their homes. It is not just a holy scripture for Hindus, it is the practical therapist and essence of life narrating accurate, fundamental knowledge about God, indestructible and eternal soul, the ultimate truth, creation, birth and death, consequences of actions, liberation and the purpose as well as the goal of human existence.

It is the divine discourse of Lord Krishna preached to his devotee Arjun, in the middle of the battlefield of Kurukshetra. The Bhagavad-Gita is composed of 700 Sanskrit verses contained within 18 chapters, divided into three sections each consisting of six chapters. They are Karma Yoga, the yoga of actions. Bhakti Yoga, the yoga of devotion and Jnana Yoga, the yoga of knowledge. The original language of the Bhagavad-Gita was classical Sanskrit from India.

Kauravas tried every possible way to banish Pandavas from their state. Once, they conspired to set all Pandavs, including Kunti and Draupadi to fire in lakshagrah.

Pandavas always tried hard to avoid any situation of conflict, which could head towards the battle. However, every effort went into vain. When the doomsday arrived, Arjun got into the situation of a dilemma, his heart melted and feet got cold. Arjun surrendered his weapons, folded his arms in front of Lord Krishna, who accepted to be his charioteer in the battlefield. He pleaded to Lord Krishna that how could he shed blood of all his dear ones, his kins, his own blood, revered Gurus, standing in front of them.

Lord Krishna attained a form of Absolute Avatar (Poorna avatar) in the battlefield and preached the divine message of spirituality, the practical guide, “Gita Jnan” and enlightened bewildered Arjun.

Gita Jayanti Samaroh- Celebrate Gita Jayanti

Though the celebration of Gita Mahotsav takes place all over the world but the most special one is Kurukshetra, the cradle place of Gita.

Over the years, the fair known as Gita Jayanti Samaroh has gained immense popularity and a large number of tourists & pilgrims visit Kurukshetra during the event to participate in this sacred gathering.

  • A craft fair is organized that lasts for about a week.
  • People participate in yajna, Gita reading, bhajans, aartis, dance, dramas, etc.
  • Discussions and seminars by eminent scholars and Hindu priests to throw light upon the various facets of the holy book and its perennial influence on humankind for generations.
  • Stage plays and Gita chanting competitions are held for kids to show their talents as a way to encourage their interest in reading Gita. leaflets, pamphlets and books containing the essence of Gita are distributed to the public.
  • It is generally observed by the en-masse recitation of all 700 verses of the Gita chanted throughout the day.
  • Devotees also observe fast on this day since it is an Ekadashi.

Teachings of Bhagwad Gita

Few of the important teachings by Bhagwad Gita are:

1. We bought nothing in the world when born. We made everything on the earth be it money, property, love or popularity. Similarly, we will not take anything when die. Everything would be left over here. The only truth is the soul, which is eternal. Just like we change clothes, soul changes its body only, birth after birth.

2. One should not be afraid of speaking the truth or doing good as no one can destroy the truth.

3. God has different plans for everyone. Everything happens is for the good. Whatever in the past happened was for good, whatever will happen in the future would also be for good.

4. One should work with full dedication without worrying about the results. You may think that all your efforts were not appreciated by anyone. But God keeps into account every single deed, good or bad done by you.

5. We should leave everything to God as he is everywhere around us and knows best for us.

6. Nothing is fixed in nature. People, things and circumstances change always. We should never expect anything to change as they all change with time.

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