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Eating habits are often met in the first few years of life, when it is vital that all the child’s nutritional needs are met.
You can adopt good habits in your kids by setting up a good example. Taking a positive attitude towards nutritious foods in your kids can make you their role model.

The amount of food that a child needs depend upon the energy and nutrient requirements. This varies according to the size, weight, gender and the level of activity one does on daily basis.
Never try to encourage children to eat more than what they want to as appetite is usually a reliable guide to food requirements.
‘Cleaning or your plate’ is old fashioned as that just adds extra calories, causing indigestion and obesity. It is always good to start with smaller portions in the first place or encourage them to take serving by themselves.
By including a variety of delicious healthy and nutritious foods to your children, you will be helping them to establish eating patterns that will last for a long lifetime.
Do’s: Encouraging good eating habits
- Do set up example you want your child to copy with your own eating habits. They would imitate with your actions. Share mealtimes and eat the healthy dishes so that your kids also follow you.
- Do start giving your kids vegetables and food early from the beginning.
- Do fill your refrigerator with fresh and healthy food items like fruits, cheese, carrots, etc. which your child can eat between meals.
- Do invite your kids while you cook food. They would learn the importance of home made food, otherwise, they would never learn to enjoy cooking and rely on ready-made foods.
- Do discourage them to snack on junk food items. Also, allow children to follow their natural appetites which deciding how much to eat.
Don’ts: Encouraging good eating habits
- Do not give give your kids skimmed or semi skimmed milk rather give them whole milk especially if if your kid is under five. They need extra energy provided by the extra calories in whole milk.
- Do not give kids extra salt in their diet by sprinkling it over the food. Sprinkled salt over the cooked food is every more dangerous for health in long run, not only for kids but grown up adults too.
- Do not make your child feel guilty for eating any type of food. They are just kids and need guidance from the elders not the guilt feeling.
- Do not give whole nuts to your children especially if they are under five as this can cause them choking issue. You can give them peanut butter or ground nuts but look for the allergic reaction in them due to this.
- Do not add extra sugar to your kids food, as this would otherwise, encourage them to have sweet tooth. If your kids doesn’t need extra sugar don’t give them. Sugar is not good for overall health in a long run also.