Ecotourism- Principles, Need and Benefits



What is Ecotourism?

Ecotourism is made up of two words; Ecosystem and Tourism. Ecotourism is a term used for the form of travel which lets you travel in the lap of Mother Nature. Ecosystem is the system in which we live including earth, water, sun and all living and non-living things. Tourism means, travelling for happiness. Thus, Ecotourism is a tourism which involves visiting an Ecosystem.

Ecotourism involves the travelling experience in the natural places, without disturbing the environment.

Celebration of World Wildlife Day on 3 March

With the advancement of mode of transportation, the boundaries of different countries has reduced. It has become very easy and convenient to travel around the world. As a result, people are travelling round the world frequently. This is good for economic reason as it helps in getting more revenue but the life of flora and fauna has got into danger.

To celebrate the existence of flora and fauna in our life, United Nations has kept a day in the name of Wildlife on 3 March. The main aim of observing World Wildlife day on 3 March is to celebrate the importance of wildlife in our life and think about the ways to protect them.


The World Wildlife day is celebrated to create awareness among people about the world’s flora and fauna. Also, its purpose is to make people understand that their international trade should not threaten the wildlife of animals.

There are many ways we can implement to save the wildlife. Ecotourism is one of the way that can be encouraged to protect wildlife. In the process Year 2017 was celebrated as the International year of Sustainable Tourism.

Role of Ecotourism in sustainable development

The conventional form of tourism is not eco-friendly, and is not closed to the nature, thereby, also called non-sustainable tourism.

Ecotourism is a sustainable tourism which emphasis on conservation of nature, education, spreading awareness to emphasis traveler responsibilities to keep up nature.

Travelers should be aware of the fact that they are having an impact on the local environment and thus should try to avoid as much harm as they could cause to the nature. This could be prevented by proper education and improving relationship between the locals and travelers to avoid conflict between them.

One of the main advantages of ecotourism is that it helps in revenue generation for the protection of national parks that might not be available from other sources along with other  job providing opportunities.

Why do we need Ecotourism?


Non Sustainable form of tourism needs water treatment plants, sanitation facilities, and other  infrastructure. It leaves behind garbage and degrades the environment. People use the agricultural land or the pavements that causes soil-erosion. Sometimes travellers hurt animals while taking photographs.

There are some ecotourism activities one can do with some guidelines. Click here to know about those ecotourism activities and the guidelines.

The percentage of people travelling is increasing but still the locals are not getting this money. The non-sustainable form of tourism pollutes the environment and degrades its value. It adds garbage to the running water and pollutes air quality also.

The travelers should be sensitive enough not to cause any harm to the Mother Nature and this is possible by education only.

Also Read: 22 April: Importance of Earth Day

What are the Principles of Ecotourism?

  • More sensitive approach towards local and rural local and tradition
  • Sustainable benefits to local people and their communities
  • Educate both traveler and local communities for environmental care and sustainability
  • Provide financial benefits and more jobs to the local people
  • Positive experiences for travelers and hosts
  • Minimize social, behavioral and physical impacts on the nature

Benefits of Ecotourism towards society, economy and environment

Ecotourism has become urgent for today’s time for lifeline preservation too. It helps in the cure of Social and Economic issues as below:

  • Social Issues
    It educates travelers to behave sensibly towards the sustainable tourism. By spreading awareness through brochures, pamphlets, leaflets or any other form of presentation, the conflicts between local and traveler interactions could be prevented which normally happens due to misunderstandings.
  •  Economic Issues
    Ecotourism helps in the revenue generation by employing local people and helps in job creation for them.
  • Environmental issues
    With increase in environmental issues, Ecotourism is the need of hour. It encourages travelers to behave in a sensible way with proper education.

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