When you have a pet, you must make sure that your pet is healthy and clean. For your lovely pet, fleas and ticks are more than a just nuisance. Long-term exposure to fleas and ticks can lead to real health problems for pets. However, with these simple steps, you can protect your pet from these annoying parasites.
- Treat Your Pet for Fleas and Ticks the Entire Year
It is common knowledge among pet owners that fleas and ticks are more common during hot months. However, some can even survive indoors during the winter. Since Dubai is famous for having a warm climate, many veterinarians in Dubai recommend pet owners to take year-round protective and preventive measures to keep pets safe.
2. Never Use Expired Preventive Products
If you have been sticking with a flea or tick product for too long, it is time to replace them with a new product. Old flea and tick preventive products, especially the ones that have expired, lose their effectiveness. So, if you use one, it might not give any relief to your pet. Check with your vet to learn about new brands or products that are more effective than what you have been using traditionally.
3. Do Not Use Canine Products on Your Feline Friend.
Some flea and tick preventive products formulated to be used on dogs can be toxic for cats. Using such products on a cat can result in severe reactions that required immediate veterinary inspection and care. These products are clearly labeled to indicate what species they are intended for. So, be sure to read the product label before you add the item to your shopping cart.
4. Always Check for Ticks Once You Come from an Area that Might Have Ticks
If you and your pet have been in an area that might expose your pet to ticks, you must check your pet for ticks once you are indoors.
Closely examine the skin, ears, and armpits of your pet for ticks. For instance, deer ticks have to bite your pet and get attached for around a whole day to transmit the pathogen that causes Lyme disease. Thus, the best thing you can do for your pet is to find and get rid of any ticks as early as possible.
Though not every tick bite transfers the disease, it is highly recommended to inform your veterinarian that your pet has been bitten by the tick (in the event a tick bites your pet). Besides, keep monitoring your pet for any unusual changes, such as lethargy, limping, or loss of appetite.
5. Groom Your Pet and Clean Your Yard Regularly
Grooming allows you to keep an eye for any external parasites that may be hiding under your pet’s hair coat while strengthening the bond between you two. And this is not enough. You also need to keep your house well-maintained and keep your yard clean. Mow your lawn regularly because ticks are more common in high grasses. Rake leaves, brush, and clippings from your yard to give fleas fewer places to hide and breed.
6. Visit Your Pet Doctor for Regular Checkups
When you visit a good veterinary clinic in Dubai, one important thing that your veterinarian does during a regular checkup is to examine your pet for any signs of parasite problems and help ensure that the preventive product you are using is effective.
Since fleas and ticks can cause bigger health problems, like flea allergy dermatitis, anemia, tapeworms, Lyme disease, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, follow the above steps carefully to protect your pets from fleas and ticks and keep them healthy.