Table of Contents
Now is a better time than ever to start investing if you have never been involved in the market previously, especially as you can make a large profit. You may not have any idea about where to start or even what to invest in, but everyone has to start somewhere!

It is important to educate yourself so that you know exactly what you are getting into before you start trading your money and just hoping that you make it back. That is why the guide below is meant to help you in knowing how to start investing so that you can make a profit.
1. Determine the Types of Investments to Make
Before you can even begin investing, you need to determine the specific types of investments that you want to make. If you do not have the time to closely monitor your investments, consider a special project vehicle with SPV administration that helps you to receive your money in one comprehensive package. If you are looking to be at the forefront of the action though, get into investing in real estate or the stock market. You probably do not want to start higher-risk investments such as forex trading until you are more accustomed and feel more comfortable in the industry.
2. Open a Brokerage Account
After you have determined the specific types of investments to make, you want to open a brokerage account. If you are looking to invest independently, find an online broker that allows you to monitor your own account and spend less money upfront. For an account that helps you along the way and even helps to make choices for you, go with a brokerage account that has a financial advisor available. These will be more expensive as there is likely a money management fee that you will have to pay even on a monthly basis.
3. Create a Budget
After you have completed research on the types of investments and have signed up for an account, determine a budget for yourself. You can buy shares in the stock market, for instance, for as little as a few cents, though you can put in as much as hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you do not want to stick with one specific stock, put a bit of money into an ETF which is like a funding source that diversifies your money. Plus, you can put in as little as $100 to get started in this type of funding.
4. Research Market Patterns
After you have determined a budget, watch how shares for the specific investments in your specific industry move. This will help you to determine the companies or the specific assets where you want your money to go. Do not be afraid to go for a startup company or a super inexpensive piece of real estate, for instance, as these may end up giving you the biggest sense of return. The more risk that you are willing to put forth, the more money you have the possibility to make, but only do what you are comfortable with.
5. Start Investing
The final step to start investing is to literally just go ahead and start. It will take time to learn, and you will not become an expert investor overnight, and you will likely not get rich overnight. Do not be afraid to put your money towards something, and try to start small when you are first learning so that you can learn to know how your money moves. As soon as you make that first return or profit, you will be more than ready to make another investment.
Investing is a wonderful strategy to make if you want to earn a profit by taking a risk of some form. There are so many types of investments for you to get into, and so many types of brokerage accounts that you can sign up with. Start with investments that are sure to keep you comfortable at first, and only put forth the amount of risk that you are comfortable with. You will start making money soon so that you can know that the money that you put down was well worth it in the end.