Nivesh was very happy when he got offer letter from an MNC. MNC means Multi National Company that shows big dreams to people and getting a job in it is anyone’s lifetime achievement goal. But Nivesh was not aware that this MNC is going to become “Most Nonsense Commitment” he would have even done.
He hardly had completed two weeks in his new company, and it started appearing him the lifetime mistake. He observed that his new boss is too much bossy and blames him all the time. Even having 7 years of experience and many recognitions, and awards in the previous organizations, Nivesh feels humiliated in current job. He is forced to remain silent and forbidden from giving any advice. His boss considers himself god as he boasts about the so-called fact that he has given Nivesh an opportunity to work in a project.
Working for a company should be by choice not force. But sometimes, in the cat race we normally surrender ourselves to our company and mostly to our boss.
No matter what our boss says or how much work he gives to us, we just keep on accepting it. If our boss blames us or consider us incompetent, we accept that.
We start thinking as our boss thinks about us. If our boss gives us award, we think we are worthy and start sharing it on social media. But if he criticizes us, we go into depression.
Also Read: Best Practical Gift Ideas for your Boss
Just Remember, “You should work where your presence is celebrated and not shown to be tolerated.”
Many times your manager just keeps on knocking and blaming you that you are here not because you deserve but because of “me”. You boss takes the credit of your job and your salary. Every time, you are being reminded of your worthlessness.
6 Things to Remember if you cannot stand with your Boss
- Just keep in mind that you are in a company not because of a boss but because of your capabilities.
- It was not your boss who brought you here. You had come here because you had passed all the rounds and had proved yourself to the work.
- No one has any right to play with your dignity and integrity.
- If you keep on working and accepting more, your boss will also give you more. There is no wrong in doing work but every work should make you feel some dignify. You should not feel like a burden to anyone.
- If you are not able to give time to your family, health, dreams and future plans, just take a breath and take few deep breaths. Its a time to make changes to your lifestyle and way of handling relationships and most importantly yourself.
- If Mondays have become dreadful for you and you starting looking forward to Fridays, accept the time has come to take a change.