Manik Sarkar has been Chief Minister of Tripura since March 1998. He is considered as the “Poorest Chief Minister of India” as per the affidavit for the information he submitted for the 2013 Tripura Assembly election.
Manik Sarkar was born to a middle class family on 22 January, 1949 to Amulya Sarkar who was a tailor and mother, Anjali Sarkar. His mother was a Provincial government employee.
Manik had inclination towards politics since his student life only and just at the age of 19, he became a member of the Marxist Communist Party.
He is also known as “The Cleanest and Poorest” chief minister.
Manik lives a very simple life and is often seen dressed in white kurta and pyjama. He started his election campaign in 2013 with just Rs 1,080 cash in hand for the fourth time.
According to the information, Sarkar has only one savings bank account at State Bank of India, Agartala branch and less than Rs 9, 720 in the bank deposit.
If we see the life style of Sarkar and his family, he still does not own any vehicle and uses official vehicle to commute. His wife, Panchali Bhattarcharjee is a retired state government employee and used to travel in rickshaw to office. Mani Sarkar does not have any mobile phone and has only landline numbers for both office and residence contacts.