21 years old Manushi Chhillar from India won Miss World Title 2017. She won the title on 18 November 2017 by answering the Final question brilliantly. She was asked which profession deserves the best salary in the world to which she answered its mother’s who should be given highest salary, respect and love.
Manushi Chhillar brought this title to India after 17 years in Sanya City Arena. Miss World 2016 winner, Puerto Rico’s Stephanie Del Valle crowned Manushi Chhillar. It Was Priyanka Chopra who last won Miss World Title 17 years ago in the year 2000.
Manushi belongs to Haryana, India which has low survival rates of female foetus and also low education for girls. Manushi aspires to become a cardian surgeon and is a second year medical student of Bhagat Phool Singh Government Medical College for Women in Sonepat. She dropped out one whole year to prepare for her Miss India pageant.
She really had to work hard among the beauty contestants from 108 countries to win the title.