Meet the “Security Princess” of Google

Parisa Tabriz

Security plays a very important role in any application especially if it for Google. There are billions and millions of users on Google, so their security should be tighten enough that there is no breach of security and user can feel their shared data is safe on Google.

Let’s know about someone who is the role model in Google behind this and is one of the most powerful hackers in the world. She is already leading a team of hackers in Google Office and spends lots of time with the team to checkout any weaknesses in the official browser of Google, Chrome.

This is why she has been given a unique title, “Security Princess of India”.

Who is the Security Princess of Google?

Parisa Tabriz is not a new name in the list of Google Hackers. She is one of the most powerful hackers in the world. She is leading a team of hackers in Google office and also spends a lot of time with her team to check out weaknesses in the official browser of Google, Chrome.

Parisa Tabriz and her team of Google hackers sit and plan strategies and invest time in finding out flaws in Chrome browser before other hackers round the world would find them.

First Triple Digit Version of Google Chrome

Parisa Tabriz

How Parisia became the “Security Princess” of Google?

There is also an interesting story behind how Parisia got the title of “Security Princess of Google”.

Once on her visit to Japan, she needed business cards to handover during professional introductions tradition.

She told, “A couple of people had ‘hired hacker’, but I liked to one-up people. I thought it was cured, Some people in other parts of the industry, they introduce themselves as like, ‘vice president,’ with these certifications. I could not give a shit. You could be Code Monkey Number 507, but if you are doing cool stuff, I am much more interested in talking to you than to who ever’s senior vice president.” So she introduced herself as Security Princess to the professionals.

Early Life and Career of Parisa Tabriz

  • Parisa was born in 1981 as a child of mixed cultures; her father is Iranian and mother is Polish
  • She did her Bachelors and Masters from the University of Illinois. It’s really surprising that Parisia did not touch the computer until her first year of Computer Engineering in college, the University of Illinois
  • Just after completing Graduation, Parisa did research in wireless networking security and joined Google
  • After joining Google only, she came into the world of hackers and progressed herself to become one of the best hacker

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Achievements by Parisa Tabriz

  • Parisia Tabriz is included in “30 under 30” list of Forbes
  • She is working with Google as “Security Princess” and leads the team of hackers responsible for Chrome security and its flows.
  • Elle Magazine wrote, “She’s only 31, one of the rare women in hacking circles, and the furthest thing from the antisocial tech-whix stereotype, and it is easy to see why Tabriz is on  a rapid upward trajectory.”

Who is the Inspiration of Parisa Tabriz?

  • In an interview, Tabriz told how she was inspired by the story of John Draper – known as Captain Crunch, who worked as an US Air Force radar technician. In the late 1960’s Captain discovered how making free long distance calls using a toy whistle only if packaged in boxes of Cap’n Crunch cereal. He discovered that the whistles could produce sound frequencies of near about 2600 hertz, and this much frequency was used when by the United State’s biggest telecommunication network to make international calls.
  • Another incident, she recalled, how in her days of college her website got hacked by some hackers, and they hacked not only all her intellectual life but social life as well. That was the time in 2000 when Internet Explorer, Apache and Netscape were ruling the web and were dominant browsers. This made Tabriz to introduce early to the dynamic of being the single woman in a room full of men talking about computers.

What are Parisa’s Views on Hacking?

It’s because of Parisa whom we can browse on Chrome security. She has a team of around 30 security engineers who try to find our any bug before the other uses could find out.

The team is also responsible for sending any warning message while you are about to visit a harmful link on Chrome.

Parisia is not happy with the way some hackers give this profession a bad name. According to her, she is trying her bit to change this impression and mentoring under-16s children at a yearly computer science conference in Las Vegas. The children participating in “DEFCON” are taught how to “hack-for-food”.

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