New year tips for a healthy and mental health

mental and physical health tips

When we talk about Health, people often take it as physical related to the way how they look. But often they forget that its their physical plus mental health that is considered as a full health.

So, the way you take care of your physical health, you should also take care of your mental health too.

Every year we plan and make many resolutions for a new year. So, this new year 2022 we are giving you some tips that you can follow to boost your physical and mental health too.

  1. Take 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Quit your habit of snoozing alarm, as this harms the productivity. Just wake up the time the alarm rings for the first time
  2. Drink atleast a glass of warm water in the empty stomach in morning
  3. Take shower daily and never skip brushing your teeth
  4. Start your day with a healthy breakfast and you can include fruits also
  5. Select your outfit of the day yourself and wear what you want to wear, not what others want
  6. Be active the whole day. If you have a sitting job, do not forget to take a break for 5-10 minutes after an hour
  7. Make a schedule to do atleast 30 minutes of exercise daily be it cardio, walking, HIIT, walking or dancing etc
  8. Make your goal and try hard to achieve that goal by working daily on it. Also try to visualize your dream life daily atleast for 10 minutes
  9. Be gratitude and thanks to every one who is with you and support you. Just consider yourself lucky as there are many for whom you are role modal as they do not have what you have
  10. Be happy, calm, smiling and confident always. Sometimes, panicking in a situation can make it worse so just calm and compose every time you feel like nervous

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