Protect your Plants from Heavy rain like this

plants saving tips from heavy rain

There are a few things you can do to help protect your plants from heavy rain:

1. Provide shelter

If possible, move potted plants or delicate flowers to a sheltered area, such as a porch or garage.

plants shelter

For larger plants in the ground, consider building a temporary shelter using stakes and a tarp or plastic sheeting.

2. Improve drainage

Make sure that the soil around your plants drains well. If the soil is compacted, consider adding compost or sand to improve drainage. You can also create raised beds or mounds to help water drain away from the plants’ roots.

improve drainage

3. Mulch

Mulch helps to retain moisture in the soil, which can be beneficial during dry spells. However, during heavy rain, it can also help to keep the soil in place and prevent erosion.

mulching plants

4. Protect the foliage

If the rain is accompanied by strong winds, the foliage of your plants can be damaged. Consider using stakes or cages to support tall plants or those with large, heavy flowers.

protect foilage

5. Check for standing water

After a heavy rain, be sure to check for any standing water around your plants. If water is pooling near the base of the plant, it can lead to root rot. If you find standing water, consider creating a drainage channel to help the water flow away from the plant.

standing water

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do plants recover from heavy rain?
Ans: Sometimes small and unhealthy plants are washed away and die due to heavy rain. But good news is that many times healthy plants just withstand heavy rain and get recover within a week time period.

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