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History of Republic Day India
India got independence from British rule on August 15, 1947 but it did not had its constitution that time. It declared itself a democratic, sovereign and a republic state once it adopted its own constitution on 26th January 1950.
Why 26 January Chosen as Republic Day?
In 1950 the President of India was Dr. Rajendra Prasad who was also the first President of India. With a grand salute of 21 guns and the unfurling of the Indian National Flag, the President announced the republic India.
The reason of choosing 26th January as the Republic Day is that on this day only in 1930, the Congress had announced to give ‘Purna Swaraj’ to India. This is the reason why 26th January was chosen a date to celebrate as Republic Day of India every year.
Significance of Republic Day India
People living in independent India might not have any idea on the sacrifices and also the actual number of freedom fighters who lost their lives in making India a free independent country. They made a huge sacrifice even after knowing that they might not see this independence but still gave their lives for the future of others.
They fought with the British forces to make Indian an independent nation. We are fortunate enough to take birth in an independent nation and may not understand the struggle behind this and the sacrifice of so many people.
Once India got independence there were more challenges to bind the nation and bring them under one common umbrella of rules and regulations. Freedom comes with many side effects also if not used properly.
That is why when on 26th January 1950 the constitution of India came into existence, it became more significant. There were many rights, duties and laws mentioned in the constitution. One should understand and go through the constitution of its own country to better understand the duties and responsibilities also along with the rights provided to them.
Celebrations on 26th January Republic Day
- Every school and education institution celebrates this day and hoist national flag Tiranga in the premises. Various programs are presented by the children. On this glorious day, tricolor hoisting and many patriotic programs are organized at all the important places of the country.
- On this day, the President of India hoists the flag of his country in Delhi and it is customary to salute him with 21 guns. After which the tableau of their state is taken out on the Rajpath by the states of India. In these tableaux, every state shows the costumes of its state and its culture.
- All the three armies of India also take out their tableaus and tell about the power of India to the whole world including the countrymen. Many people and leaders attend this parade to be held in the capital. At the same time, before starting this program, the Prime Minister of the country pays homage to the heroes of our country by going to the Amar Jyoti.
- Every year some politician from another country is invited as a guest. In the first of year of Republic day, 1950, the first guest was the President of Indonesia and his name was Sukarno. In the year 2023, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa will be the chief guest of India’s 70th Republic Day program to join the celebration of this day.
Security Arrangements in Republic Day
Since chief guests are called from other counties, VVIP’s are present in the celebrations of Republic day and there is always a threat from terrorists on this day, so high level of security is maintained.
These security arrangements get started few days before the republic day especially in Delhi. All the borders are sealed and put on high security. These are done for the safety of people and the citizens so its their responsibility to cooperate with the police force.
Closing Ceremony of Republic Day
After the 3rd day of Republic day celebration, the closing ceremony is celebrated. This happens on January 29, and all three armed forces of India conclude this republic day ceremony in the evening at Vijay Chowk.
The President of India is also present in that moment. Here we would like to mention that the President of India is the head of all three armies in India and acts as a Supreme Commander of the armed forces.
The army performs beating retreat ceremony with Pipe, drum bands, trumpeters and buglers etc. beating retreat ceremony concludes the Republic day celebration.
If you want to be a part of Republic Day closing ceremony, you can also be present there and see. Its a great experience and one should give it a chance atleast once in a life time.
74th Republic Day Celebrations in India on 2023
India is celebrating its 74th Republic day on 26th January 2023. Let’s make it memorable and take a pledge to serve the nation and follow all the duties and responsibilities of an ideal citizen of India as per the constitution.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Which year of Republic Day, India is celebrating in 2023?
Ans: India is celebrating its 74th Republic Day on 26th January 2023.
Q: Where is Republic Day celebrated in India?
Ans: At Broad Rajpath avenue, in New Delhi, India.
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