After major defeat in Lol Sabha Elections in June 2014, Arvind Kejriwal was so upset with the intra party strife, that he decided to quit politics. The discosure came from Delhi election committee group member, Ashutosh on Sunday. According to Ashutosh, Kejriwal was so disheartened by allegations from the Party members that he had a supremo style, make him to quit the politics.
Ashutosh told the media that, “Kejriwal was so upset after the June 2014 national executive meeting that he discussed it with his family and decided to quit politics for good. It was only after both Yogendra Yadav and Prashant Bhushan met him the next day and convinced him that he changed his mind,”. He added that this is when Yogendra Yadav and Prashant Bhushan conviced him, they would work under his leadership.
Read: AAP meet on Prashant Bhushan
In his book, “The Crown Prince, The Gladiator And The Hope“, Ashutosh mentioned how Yogendra Yadav had resigned from all his posts and alleged that the party has fallen prey to a “personality cult”, referring to Arvind Kejriwal.
In the book Ashutosh writes, “Arvind’s face fell. He rose and excused himself to leave the room. He started to say something, but could not complete. He broke down and as tears fell unheeded, he crumbled to the floor. Anjali (Damania, AAP leader from Maharashtra who unsuccessfully contested against Nitin Gadkari) and I (Ashutosh) rushed to him. She put her arms around him… Soon, Anjali began crying as well and shouted, ‘We should all be ashamed of ourselves. This is what we have given him’. After some time, Arvind regained his composure. By now, everyone had gathered around him.”
Read: Arvind Kejriwal Resigns from the post of Convenor
He wrote further in the book, Kejriwal said, “I have not left my job and other good things of life just to become a convener of the party. I don’t want this. Please elect someone as the national convener.”
Ashutosh disclosed how Prashant Bhushan had written a letter to Kejriwal in August-September 2014, to “expose” him if he did not step down from the post of National Convener and make way to Yogendra Yadav.
Read: Attempts to remove Arvind Kejriwal
He told how Prashant and Yadav have been planning for along to remove Kejriwal from his position as Convenor and also wanted AAP to loose elections in Delhi. Ashutosh said, “We didn’t want this issue to go into public, but efforts were being made to remove Arvind from the convener’s post”.
Meanwhile, when asked Yadav about the internatl fights in AAP, he said, “Everybody is working for the party, infighting and similar other words were used in the last 5-7 days. Party workers have come with a lot of hope and expectations, they do not want it should go on further and I also do not want it to go on further… I have also told party men no more questions and answers now. It is enough. Now work is to be done. We have not come here to fight with each other; we are here to remove corruption”. He said, “A lot of things have happened in the last few days. I have requested all party workers that whatever happens does not lose faith and hope in the party and its idea”.