Bollywood superstar and our loving Shah Rukh Khan, is back again on small screen with his new show, India Poochega Sabse Shaana Kaun?. He is playing a host on the show and really doing everything to make his audience happy. Recently, in one of the episodes on contenstant request, Shah Rukh Khan wore a saree. The ladies in the audience offered him drape him saree which he happily agreed.
“I have done KBC, Paanchvi Paas and Zor Ka Jhatka in the past. I started my career with Television and believe that I did good work on TV. I think I am one of those actors from TV who want to come back to the medium and do good work. And I don’t think I have got a chance to do good work like that before. After failing so many times, I don’t get nervous anymore. Now my aim will be that people like the show,” said Shahrukh Khan, the host of “India Poochega- Sabse Shaana Kaun?”
Read: Kapil Sharma Controversy in New ShowIndia Poochega Sabse Shaana Kaun
The King Khan feels the show is close to his personality as compared to the earlier ones he has done so far. He said, “I think this show is closer to my personality because the interaction with the contestants is free flowing. I talk to people, make them laugh and get a lot of warmth from them. I usually don’t get so many opportunities to meet people. Both the creative team and Siddhartha Basu are the best people in this industry. So hopefully I will live up to the expectations and the rest is in the hands of the viewers. My experience so far has been amazing and I think people will like this show.”
Shahrukh has previously appeared on the small screen in shows like, Fauji, Circus, Kaun Banega Crorepati, Kya Aap Paanchvi Pass Se Tez Ho and Zor Ka Jhatka.
We wish the popularity of Shahrukh show touch the sky.