Out beautiful “Rangeela” girl, the bollywood actress, Urmila Matondkar, tied the knot on Thursday afternoon, 3 March 2016, with Mohsin Akhtar Mir. Akhtar is a Kashmir – based businessman and also a model. The whole ceremony was a low key affair and very few people attended it.
Urmila has shown her best of acting talent in movies like, Rangeela, Satya, Khoobsurat etc.
Urmila tolda later on, “We kept it an exclusive wedding with just family and friends at the celebration. Since our families wanted the wedding to be a low-key affair, we mutually decided to keep it private. We seek your blessings on embarking this new journey of our lives,”.
Know about Urmila Matondkar and her husband.
No bollywood actor was invited in the wedding except designer Manish Malhotra. Manish was the only bollywood person present at the wedding.
Manish Malhotra tweeted:
— ManishMalhotraWorld (@MMalhotraworld) March 3, 2016
The actress was looking very beautiful and elegant in the red lehnga and indian jewellery.
We wish her all the best for her life ahead.
Director Ram Gopal Verma, who was his rumoured boy friend also congratulated his favorite actress and posted on social media:
“Extremely happy to hear news about the most beautiful actress I ever worked with ..I wish from heart that her life wil b “Rangeela” forever”