The Air India was started by JRD Tata as Tata Airlines in the year 1932. But later in 1953 due to the nationalization of the 9 Airlines in Nehru Ji’s time, it became Air India and became a government airlines.
In the beginning when Tata Airlines was launched by the Tata Group, it served as a weekly service provider flight between Karachi and Madras covering Bombay and Ahmedabad in between.
Auction Bidding of Air India
With nationalization, the Tata Airlines became a property of Government and started serving as Air India. But with time the airlines went into loss and the Government also started getting into debt due to this.
Recently the government planned to auction the airlines and many industrialist participated in the bidding process.
The base price of the bidding was setup as Rs.12, 609 crores. Sanjay Singh of Spice Jet was also present in the auction and he made a bid of Rs.15, 000 crores. Tata group made a bidding of Rs.18, 000 crores and won the airlines.
After winning the bidding the head of Tata Group, Shri Ratan Tata said “Welcome Back Air India“.
The airlines suffered a lot of losses and left behind by private airlines in the race.
Air India has travelled a long journey in these 68 years and now lets wish for the bright future of this airlines. Hope the great marketing team and the high technique quality of Tata Group can make this airlines successfully again.