What is Coronil?Baba Ramdev Medicine for Corona

Coronol Kit

Patanjali Ayurveda has brought a medicine in the market which claims would beat Corona, and they have given it a name ‘Coronil’.

Coronol Kit

Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev has emphasized that based on evidences this is the first medicine that has proved results.

The Ayush Ministry has also approved this medicine. When this medicine was first launched, people had raised eyebrows for its clinical trial issues. But Ayush Ministry had intervened and introduced it as an immunity booster that time.

Patanjali has declared this medicine as the ramban of the corona disease.

India has shown better results in the recovery rates of Corona. Ramdev has credited this to the Ayurveda and Yoga along with modern medicine.

What is Coronil?

As mentioned above Coronil is the first Indian ayurvedic research based medicine developed by Patanjali Ayurveda to control and cure Corona.

It is also a trial based medicine developed jointly by Patanjali Research Institute and National Institute of Medical Science, Jaipur. It claims that when used the medicine on Corona patients, the recovery rate was 100%. They have tested the medicines from different parts of India like NCR, Ahmedabad, Meerut, Haryana etc. 

Patanjali Coronol Kit

Patanjali’s Coronil kit: Patanjali Ayurveda has brought this Coroil medicine in market as a kit. The kit has medicines that the team of their scientists claim have made using the ancient herbs with Ashwagandha, Giloy, and Tusli. This kit no doubt would help in creating immunity also to fight against Corona or any other disease.

The Patanjali Ayurveda has claimed about 100% recovery rate with this kit.

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