If you have your own dedicated website and have launched a Youtube channel also, it becomes sometimes very little time to work on both the mediums equally and in the process any of the two can get ignore !!
Some times it becomes difficult to justify the time spend on both the mediums. For example, if you have a Youtube channel and upload your videos on regular basis, Youtube would promote them and that brings you more views and subscribers. But if you stop bringing more content to your channel, the rating goes down a lot. Same thing has happened with me too.
I also have a website and to promote that I opened a Youtube channel. Initially, I spent a lot of time in learning videos and creating content. I wake up till late in the night and spent the entire day in learning something which I was not aware with.
I learnt slowly and starting uploading videos on Youtube. The problem begins from here. I started looking into the Analytics of the videos and views, watch hours every second. I was more of curious on the subscribers and views improvement on my Youtube channel.
Gradually my main motive behind starting my Youtube channel ie, to promote my website went into the backbench and I started becoming more depressed when videos were not appraised by the audience.
This was something new as my interest was always in writing and now what I was doing? I was trying to provide videos to the users to like and love and share. It becomes important to say ‘ Please like comment and subscribe to our channel ‘. This is so weird!
My learning with this
I beleive that if you have your own website or platform, just concentrate on that as Youtube is another platform which is earning with your content. Why do not you use your content for your website. Create videos and upload on your website. Add your network and grow it so that people would come to you to upload their content on your website.
I have felt in last one year that if you are using Youtube to promote your website or some product that is good. But in the rat-race do not just become a youtuber and forget your device. Remember you started your product to become an entrepreneur but Youtube has made you and employee again. So be wise and think wisely!!!
I now believe that if you using Youtube to promote your website, just hire someone who can make videos for you. Because if you stop writing for your website and give more time to creating videos yourself for Youtube channel, that would cost you more. Because you do not have an art of making videos and while learning you may waste a lot of time and may be you do not learn then also. So, just keep on your love for writing for your website and take your help from someone who can be your saviour!!