Why do Temples close at 12? मंदिर 12 बजे क्यों बंद हो जाते हैं ?

mandir ke rituals

It is said in Santan Dharam that one should wake up early in the morning, take a bath, and worship.

Waking up in early morning is best for spiritual and health reasons both. One gets vitamin D and also fresh air in the morning which is good for lungs and overall health. This makes one healthier and add days to one’s life.

Doing rituals and worship is also good during early morning hours only which is called Brahma Muhurta. Generally, time between 3-4am is the Brahma Muhurta.

The time of sunrise and sunset is considered to be the best time to perform worship. If you do the worship in later half of day that would not give you the best desired results.

Why do temples close at 12PM Noon?

  1. God believed to go on rest at 12 in the afternoon. This is one of the reason it is believed why temples gate closed at 12 and then open after 3 or PM.
  2. Another reason stated is that 12:00 PM to 4: PM time period is called the “Rahu Kalam” time means the inauspicious time. It is believed during this time the planet Rahu can cause negative energy and disturbance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can we visit temples after 12 PM?
Ans: Most of the temples get closed 12-3PM, so get it confirmed before visiting any temple during this time.


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