Why Should We Eat More Flax Seeds For Complete Health?


flaxseeds-for-healthOur grandparents and their parents would always keep this small food ingredient in their kitchen. Flax seeds used to be the must-have item in their daily diet. But now, it has gone out of many modern kitchens nowadays. People have forgotten the benefits of these small natural seeds available in nature.

These flax seeds must have so many health benefits, owing to which our grandparents would always keep it in their kitchen store.

One of the most important benefit of flax seeds is that it is not very expensive, and can be easily bought from the market owing to its easily availability.

Let us read how and what quantity of flax seeds should be eaten.  But one must be aware of the excess use of the seeds as they can cause more harm than good if taken in excess amount.

Nutrient Value of Flax seeds

Flax seeds are rich source of various nutrients. As per one website, healthline.com, in one tablespoon of flax seeds, one get the following nutrients:

Calories: 37
Protein: 1.3 grams
Carbs: 2 grams
Fiber: 1.9 grams
Total fat: 3 grams
Saturated fat: 0.3 grams
Monounsaturated fat: 0.5 grams
Polyunsaturated fat: 2.0 grams
Omega-3 fatty acids: 1,597 mg
Vitamin B1: 8% of the RDI
Vitamin B6: 2% of the RDI
Folate: 2% of the RDI
Calcium: 2% of the RDI
Iron: 2% of the RDI
Magnesium: 7% of the RDI
Phosphorus: 4% of the RDI
Potassium: 2% of the RDI

Flax Seeds for a healthy heart

These small brown seeds of Flax help us to fight heart diseases. It has soluble fibers that easily dissolve and helps in controlling the amount of cholesterol. This helps in the thinning of blood and allows easy flow of blood in the body. Thus, the chances of heart-attack are reduced.

The soluble fiber of flax seeds does not let the unhealthy fat and cholesterol be absorbed by the digestive system. Also, it helps in controlling bile which is a result of cholesterol in the gall bladder.

Flax Seeds are good for diabetes

Flax seeds also control blood sugar, and those having diabetes can add this to their diet. Thus, the body remains energetic and improves efficiency.

Those who have seafood allergy can have flax seeds as they are a good source of Omega-3 Fatty acids.

flax seeds are very useful for those who have gluten-sensitivity. As a result of this, it could be a great substitute of grain being used in cooking.

Flax Seeds for weight loss

In studies, it is found that the addition of flax seeds in your diet can help fight obesity. Fat present in flax seeds is healthy and make you feel fuller for a longer time. So, one eats fewer calories which may lead to weight loss.

Since flax seeds help in reducing body fat, therefore, we can use them for weight reduction.

You can flax seeds to salads, soups or any other dish as part of your weight loss plan.

Flax Seeds Slow Down Ageing

The anti-oxidants and phytochemical present in flax seeds reduce the signs of ageing. It prevents wrinkles and keeps skin tighten. The skin always remains youth and shining.

Also Read: How Cinnamon can be used to control weight?

Cancer cure with Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are believed to cure different types of cancer like breast cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer or colon cancer.

Proven records of breast cancer cure with flax seeds have been found because of the presence of three lignans found in them. These lignans get converted into enterolactone and enterodiol which are very useful in controlling the hormones causing cancer.

Flax Seeds Oil for Massage

Flax seeds oil can be used for body massage. The oil brings glow on the skin and makes the body healthy and strong.

Flax seeds are very good for hair growth and its texture.

Cure menopausal disorders with Flax Seeds

Use of flax seeds can reduce the disorders associated with it, few of which involve mood swings, irritability, bone and muscle pains etc.

How to use Flax Seeds?

Two or three spoons of flax seeds are recommended in a day. Flax can be used in the following ways:

  • They should be eaten in powder form or chewed properly if not taken in powdered form. This is because if not grounded properly, they tend to come out of the body
  • One can also add flax seeds to salads, soups, or shakes
  • Flax seeds can be added to dough, breads-jam, bread-butter, paranthas, puris or to any food items you eat for better results

Is there any harm in using Flax Seeds?

  • Although flax seeds are very useful for overall body health, it could be sometime harmful if used with other medications. For example, if you are using blood pressure medicine, using flax seeds can drop it down to a very low level
  • Flax seeds are good for overall digestive system. But if you take it in more quantity than required, it can cause loose motions
  • Blood sugar level can also go down to a dangerous level if flax seeds are used in excess
  • Breastfeeding or pregnant ladies should consult with their gynecologist before adding flax seeds to the diet
  • Flax seeds can worsen bleeding problems of people as it can cause thinning of blood

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