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Any fabric is made up of fiber. There are different types of fiber which are used as per the season, requirement and price of course.
Some of the fibrous products are plant based while others are animal based. Plant based fiber example is Cotton etc. while animal based is silk, wool etc.
In this post we are mentioning about Wool which is a animal based fiber and how it is made.
How is Wool Formed?
Woo is obtained from the body coat of some animals who have fine and soft hair. This soft and fine hair is called fleece. We use fleece of animals like camel, goat, yalk, sheep etc..
We use fleece of Sheep maximum to make wool. There are some other varieties also like Pashmina, Shahtoosh, Angora etc.
Wool is mostly worn in winters or cold seasons. Wool has a property of trapping in air. Air is a good conductor of heat so that does not let air to go out of it. This makes our body warm all the time.
5 Steps involved in Wool making
- Shearing: In this first step fleece along with a very thin layer of dead skin is removed from the animal body.
- Scouring. The sheared fleece has lots of dirt and grease which is cleaned in a hot water container filled with detergent. Heavy machines are used for cleaning purpose. This process is called Scouring.
- Sorting: The scoured fleece has hair of different textures which is sorted in this step. This sorted fiber is cleaned with scouring process and dried finally.
There is one disease with the sorting of fleece called “Sorter’s Disease“. It is a hazardous disease caused by a bacterium called “anthrax”. So, anyone doing this Sorting job can get infected by this bacterium. - Dyeing: The sorted fiber is of different colors like black, grey, white etc. The raw fiber is dyed for different colors to be used accordingly as per the choice.
- Spinning: The raw and dyed fiber is twisted and threaded to form yarn. These are the long thread that are used to make the final products. The threads are used in the making of woolen products like gloves, socks etc.
Some of the products made with Wool
- Shawls
- Socks
- Gloves
- Caps
- Sweaters
- Mufflers
- Jackets
- Trousers
- Coats
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Wool?
Ans: Wool is a fibre obtained from sheep and other mammals
Q: Why wool is used?
Ans: Wool is used in making fabrics especially woolen clothes as it gives warmth to the body