#PatientSafety and #WorldPatientSafetyDay.
17 September 2019 is observed, for the first time, as World Patient Safety Day. This is a Pan – nations campaign launched by WHO is aimed to create awareness of patient safety, and urge people to show their commitment to making healthcare safer.
As per WHO statistics
- 134 million adverse events occur each year due to unsafe care in hospitals in low- and middle-income countries, contributing to 2.6 million deaths annually
- 15% of hospital expenses can be attributed to treating patient safety failures in OECD countries
- 4 out of 10 patients are harmed in the primary and ambulatory settings; up to 80% of harm in these settings can be avoided
Patient Safety: a global health priority

Let’s we all take a pledge together that we shall abide to Patient safety. Patient safety is a chain of many people who may play a small but a substantial role in assuring safety to a patient. Patients themselves, families, caregivers, communities, health workers, health-care leaders and policy makers ahould be commited to assure patient safety.
WHO website has elaborated the ideas, how one can participate and contribute to this day. Link is provided at the end of the text.